Although for the world and for
us it has been a surprise the invasion of Kwait for Iraq,
such invasion was already prophesied by prophet Habakkuk,
six hundred years before Jesus Christ's birth. The
invasion was raised by the own God, in order to prepare
the execution of the other prophecies for the turn, soon,
of the Messiah - Jesus Christ in your second coming.
In Habakkuk 1.6 we have: " Suddenly I raise the
Chaldeans (it is read Iraq), nation embitters and
hurried, that it marches on the breadth of the earth, to
possess dwelling-places that are not theirs. ".
In the whole area where is today Iraq, there was,
progressively, the Assyrian Empire to the occident, the
Babylonian Empire to the center and the Fear-Persian
Empire to the east.In the whole area where is today Iraq,
there was, progressively, the Assyrian Empire to the
occident, the Babylonian Empire to the center and the
Fear-Persian Empire to the east. All those empires, that
happened he are of chaldeans, although the first two go
of chaldeans in the power and the third of chaldeans
under domain.
Iraq today, whose capital, Baghdad, is neighborhood the
old city of Babylon (in reconstruction for Saddam
Hussein), is type and it corresponds to the second
empire, the Babylonian. Own Saddam Hussein has a coin
with your effigy in one of the faces and the effigy of
Nebuchadnezzar in the other and, besides, it is
reconstructing the Suspended Gardens of Babylon,
considered by the Greeks as one of the seven wonderfull
of the Antique, intending re-inaugurate soon the city.
The Babylonian Empire didn't possess the territory today
belonging to Kuwait. Therefore, modern Babylon, the Iraq
started " to possess" " places that are
not theirs", also of the biblical point of view.
For the Press we accompanied the journalists' report that
they were before in Kuwait few days and in the day of the
invasion. They inform us these journalists that there was
not an only kuwaitian to have faith in the possibility of
an invasion on the part of Iraq, as it is written in the
same text: " because I accomplish in your days a
work, which ye will not believe, though it be told
you" (v.5).
The speed of the invasion was bulk, that not even her own
kuwaitians were knowing, to not to be when already
rendered, therefore, "their horses also are swifter
than the leopards " (v.8), " all of them will
come with violence ", that happened besides with
deaths and " your faces will look for the east
", being Kuwait in the part more oriental from Iraq,
" and they will congregate the captivity as sand
" (v.9). the foreign hostages' own episode was
already prophesied.
The execution is proceeded: They will " mock of the
kings and of the princes they will make mockery "
(v.10), Saddam Hussein mocked of the kings, let us say
like this, of the great countries of the world and of the
prince of Kuwait he made mockery, taking her the parents
and killing his the brother.
The following day the Press announced that Saddam Hussein
invaded Kuwait on behalf of God (some newspapers) or on
behalf of Alá (in other) because prophet Habakkuk said
like this: " and criminal will be made, attributing
that power to your god " (v.11). you/he/she is of
getting curled that Alá, in Islamismo, nor in essence
she resembles each other to our God (of the Christians
and of the Jews) and father of Ours Mr. Jesus Cristo and
you/he/she cannot be considered like Jeová or Iavé
(IHWH), the Mister Almighty God because any inexists
Consolidated the occupation of Kuwait fast, Saddam
Hussein left clear that would not stop there,
demonstrating your attitudes expansionists, because,
" piling lands, they will take " them (v.10),
announcing the invasion of Saudi Arabia.
Due to the fast intervention world, such it was not
rendered, and nor it was able to. It is written (v.6)
that Iraq marches " on the width of the earth
". In one of the projections of the map of the area,
we see that of Kuwait to Jerusalem, going by Jordan, it
is had the width of the earth exactly, of sea to sea, of
the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. For the
execution of the Scriptures, the dictator soon forgot
about Saudi Arabia and he declared that it will take
Jordan, what brought, immediately, declarations of Israel
that any armed attack to Jordan would bring the
intervention military israeli in the conflict.
We are in the historical moment in that already came true
prophesied him by Jeremiah (49 vv. 30 and 31), in that
the " king of Babylon " (the dictator of Iraq
is read) he attempted a design against Kuwait, because,
it " arose against a nation in rest, that inhabited
confidently, that he neither had doors nor bolts, and
they inhabited alone " (paraphrase) - a nation that
only inhabited, in the desert, just tends limits with own
Iraq and with Saudi Arabia, in the end of the earth and
that at least worried about your safety.
Also, on that moment of the current History, we saw
United States and Union Soviet committees, speaking only
one language, united around a same purpose, that went to
obstruct Saddam Hussein. Something unimaginable just the
some years ago, because the recent History showed us that
both potencies always hung and they supported opposite
sides in the conflicts happened in the Planet. Something,
however, that was already prophesied by the same prophet
Jeremias (cap 50 v 9), to 2600 years ago; " Suddenly
I will raise and I will make to arise against Babylon
(Iraq) a congregation of great nations of the earth of
the north and they will get ready against her ". In
the same verse and in the following ones, the prophet
gave the prediction of the end of the war, that came
true: " of there it will be taken, none of the
weapons used against her it will be without effect, Iraq
will serve as prey. You already submitted, the ones that
fell they sustained her, your fortresses are dropped. To
be her there is I paid accordingly whatever she did to
the other " (paraphrase).