The Gulf
Persian crisis virtually began in the last July
17, when the Iraquian president Saddam Hussein
accused Kuwait of being the own of the petroleum
of Iraq. Starting from then, and until yesterday,
they were the following ones the principal
unfoldings of the crisis:
Jul,18.1990 -
"Woe to thee that destroyest, and thou wast
not destroyed; and dealest treacherously, and
they dealt not treacherously with thee!"
Isaiah, 33 - 1a
Day 25- The president of Egypt, Hosni
Mubarak, after a visit to Baghdad, says that the
president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, guaranteed her
that didn't have intention of using the force
against Kuwait.
Jul,25.1990 -"because I accomplish
in your days a work, which ye will not believe,
though it be told you"
Habakkuk 1.5b - the text, of 08.03, repor
ts well the situation of the area, from 07/25
2 - Iraq invades and it conquers Kuwait
culminating the tension created by the
territorial dispute in the border and on the
quotas of production of petroleum.
Aug,03.1990 -
"Suddenly I raise the Chaldeans (it is read
Iraq), nation embitters and hurried, that it
marches on the breadth of the earth, to possess
dwelling-places that are not theirs."
Habakkuk 1.6
On August 1, the president of the
revolutiona- ry counsel of Iraq, Izzat Ibrahim,
met with the prince heir from Kuwait. The chat
didn't walk, and they marked a second round,
Arrived the hour, Ibrahim said that it had an a
strong headache, it dynamited the negotiations
and he go home.
Hours later the tanks rolled on the dunes and the
Iraquian troops squeezed the Kuwaitians armed
forces .
VEJA - Jan, 09.1991 - Adapted |
Aug, 03.1990 - "mock of the kings
and of the princes they will make mockery; eles
se rirão de todas as fortalezas, porque
amontoando terras as tomarão"
Habakkuk 1.10
Day 7 - Bush sends troops and aircrafts to
protect the petroleum fields of Saudi Arabia
against a possible Iraquian attack |
Aug, 06. 1990
"as an Arabian in the wilderness"
"As the guards of a field, they surround
her" Jeremiah 3.2c/4.17 a |
Day 8 - Saddam annexes the Kuwait to
Aug, 08.1990 -"Take ye heed every
one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any
brother: for every brother will utterly supplant,
and every neighbour will walk with slanders.
And they will deceive every one his
neighbour." Jeremiah 9.4 -5a |
Day 20 - Bush declares that the north -
ameri- can and other foreigners impeded of
leaving Iraq and Kuwait are " hostages
Aug, 03.1990 - They will congregate the
priso- ners (hostages), as sand" Habakkuk 1.9c.
Day Aug, 20 - "He carried captives"
Jeremiah 52.28
Day 22 - Bush authorizes the secretary
of De- fense to convoke up to 200 thousand
reservists and to incorporate them to the armed
forces of the USA.
Aug, 22.1990
I Chronicles 1-3
They are types of lists of convokes.
(they correspond the)
17 - The Secretary of the Defense, Cheney, recall
the chief of State-Major of the air force of the
USA, general Michael Dugan, for your " weak
judgement " when discussing the plans
Americans of bombing of Iraq openly, that
according to him, he would have Saddam as one of
the main target in case of war.
"And your prophets..., sells vanities and
predicting lies".
Ezekiel 22.28
Day 1º - The
Camera of the Deputies of the USA, approves, for
380 votes against 29, a resolution authorizing
the sending of military forces for the Persian
Day 3 - The Senate of the USA approves, for 96
votes against 3, the sending of troops to the
Oct,01.1990 -
"Also gave him the copy of the written
decree, that had been published. . . for
destroying "
Esther 4.8
Day 18 - Baker affirms to the Committee
of External Relationships of the Camera of the
Deputies that the right of deciding the use of
the armed forces of the USA belongs to the
president. |
Oct,03.1990 - " ... the king...
which did to pass proclamation for all your
kingdom, as well as in writing"
Ezra 1.1
Day 29 - Gorbachev, in Rambouillet in
France, says that the crisis of the Golf needs to
be solved in peace.
Day 31 - Egypt disagrees of the request of
Gorbachev for the crisis in peace it is solved -
a high Soviet authority affirms that your govern-
ment doesn't exclude the use of the force to
solve the crisis. |
Oct, 29.1990
"first say, Peace be to this house"
Oct, 31.1990
"And if the son of peace be there, your
peace shall rest upon it: if not, it shall turn
to you again" Luke 10.5-6 |
Day 16 - The
Soviet Union indicates your approval in the use
of the force against Iraq.
Nov, 16.1990
"Whence `come' wars and fightings ...?"
James 4.1
Day 23 - Bush meets in Geneva with the
Syria president, Hafez Assad, before considered a
" terrorism follower", to discuss the
crisis of the Gulf.
Nov, 23.1990
"Not with old leaven, neither with the
leaven of malice and wickedness ... "
"Not to company with fornicators"
I Corinthians 5.8-9
Day 29 - The Security Council of UN,
approves, with two abstentions, a resolution
authorizing the employment " of all the
necessary " ways - besides the force -
against Iraq, your case troops don't leave Kuwait
until January 15, 1991.
Nov, 29.1990
"So that it doesn't seem as if he had wanted
to be frightened for letters. For your letters,
say, they are serious and strong, but the
presence of the body is weak and despicable.
Think the such this, that which are in the
letters, when we are absent, such will be, also
in deed when we are present."
II Corinthians 10.9-12 (13,14) |
Day 6 - Saddam
solicits the Iraquian Parliament that authorizes
the liberation of all the hostages The Parliament
approves the request the follo- wing day. All the
north - american that desired to leave of Iraq,
they travel later one week.
Dec, 06.1990
"And ... said ...: well it could come set at
liberty that man"
("To which all attended")
Day 13.12.90
"And departing, it left for another
Acts 26.32; 8.10; 12.17
The Department
of the defense of the USA announces that the
North American troops can begin the attack
against Iraq on January 15.
Jan, 15.1991
"Gather and I will announce you that must
happen in the last days: With relationship to Gad
(territory of Israel today belonging to Jordan),
a troop shall overcome him: but he shall overcome
at the last"
Genesis 49. 1,19