This program doesn't present the books in the order in that they are in the Bible, but in chronological order. The poetic books and the prophetic books of the Ancient Testament appear in the middle of the historical books, at that time they have been written. In the same way, the epistles of the New Testament are placed in the middle of the book of the Acts of the Apostles. In spite of they harmonize not with all the commentators details, the principal studious conservatives of the Bible accept the chronological order that here presented.

Through the Bible in one year

by Pastor Leslie B. Flynn


1 Gen 1,2
2 Gen 3-5
3 Gen 6-9
4 Gen 10-11
5 Gen 12-15
6 Gen 16-19
7 Gen 20-22
8 Gen 23-26
9 Gen 27-29
10 Gen 30-32
11 Gen 33-36
12 Gen 37-39
13 Gen 40-42
14 Gen 43-46
15 Gen 47-50
16 Job 1-4
17 Job 5-7
18 Job 8-10
19 Job 11-13
20 Job 14-17
21 Job 18-20
22 Job 21-24
23 Job 25-27
24 Job 28-31
25 Job 32-34
26 Job 35-37
27 Job 38-42
28 Ex 1-4
29 Ex 5-7
30 Ex 8-10
31 Ex 11-13


1 Ex 14-17
2 Ex 18-20
3 Ex 21-24
4 Ex 25-27
5 Ex 29-31
6 Ex 32-34
7 Ex 35-37
8 Ex 38-40
9 Lev 1-4
10 Lev 5-7
11 Lev 8-10
12 Lev 11-13
13 Lev 14-16
14 Lev 17-19
15 Lev 20-23
16 Lev 24-27
17 Num 1-3
18 Num 4-6
19 Num 7-10
20 Num 11-14
21 Num 15-17
22 Num 18-20
23 Num 21-24
24 Num 25-27
25 Num 28-30
26 Num 31-33
27 Num 34-36
28 Deut 1-3


1 Deut 4-6
2 Deut 7-9
3 Deut 10-12
4 Deut 13-16
5 Deut 17-19
6 Deut 20-22
7 Deut 23-25
8 Deut 26-28
9 Deut 29-31
10 Deut 32-34
11 Josh 1-3
12 Josh 4-6
13 Josh 7-9
14 Josh 10-12
15 Josh 13-15
16 Josh 16-18
17 Josh 19-21
18 Josh 22-24
19 Judg 1-4
20 Judg 5-8
21 Judg 9-12
22 Judg 13-15
23 Judg 16-18
24 Judg 19-21
25 Ruth 1-4
26 I Sam 1-3
27 I Sam 4-7
28 I Sam 8-10
29 I Sam 11-13
30 I Sam 14-16
31 I Sam 17-20


1 I Sam 21-24
2 I Sam 25-28
3 I Sam 29-31
4 II Sam 1-4
5 II Sam 5-8
6 II Sam 9-12
7 II Sam 13-15
8 II Sam 16-18
9 II Sam 19-21
10 II Sam 22-24
11 Ps 1-3
12 Ps 4-6
13 Ps 7-9
14 Ps 10-12
15 Ps 13-15
16 Ps 16-18
17 Ps 19-21
18 Ps 22-24
19 Ps 25-27
20 Ps 28-30
21 Ps 31-33
22 Ps 34-36
23 Ps 37-39
24 Ps 40-42
25 Ps 43-45
26 Ps 46-48
27 Ps 49-51
28 Ps 52-54
29 Ps 55-57
30 Ps 58-60


1 Ps 61-63
2 Ps 64-66
3 Ps 67-69
4 Ps 70-72
5 Ps 73-75
6 Ps 76-78
7 Ps 79-81
8 Ps 82-84
9 Ps 85-87
10 Ps 88-90
11 Ps 91-93
12 Ps 94-96
13 Ps 97-99
14 Ps 100-102
15 Ps 103-105
16 Ps 106-108
17 Ps 109-111
18 Ps 112-114
19 Ps 115-118
20 Ps 119
21 Ps 120-123
22 Ps 124-126
23 Ps 127-129
24 Ps 130-132
25 Ps 133-135
26 Ps 136-138
27 Ps 139-141
28 Ps 142-144
29 Ps 145-147
30 Ps 148-150
31 1 Kings 1-4


1 Prov 1-3
2 Prov 4-7
3 Prov 8-11
4 Prov 12-14
5 Prov 15-18
6 Prov 19-21
7 Prov 22-24
8 Prov 25-28
9 Prov 29-31
10 Eccles 1-3
11 Eccles 4-6
12 Eccles 7-9
13 Eccles 10-12
14 Song 1-4
15 Song 5-8
16 1 Kings 5-7
17 1 Kings 8-10
18 1 Kings 11-13
19 1 Kings 14-16
20 1 Kings 17-19
21 1 Kings 20-22
22 2 Kings 1-3
23 2 Kings 4-6
24 2 Kings 7-10
25 2 Kings 11-14:20
26 Joel 1-3
27 2 Kings 14:21-25;
Jon 1-4
28 2 Kings 14-26-29;
Amos 1-3
29 Amos 4-6
30 Amos 7-9


1 2 Kings 15-17
2 Hos 1-4
3 Hos 5-7
4 Hos 8-10
5 Hos 11-14
6 2 Kings 18-19
7 Is 1-3
8 Is 4-6
9 Is 7-9
10 Is 10-12
11 Is 13-15
12 Is 16-18
13 Is 19-21
14 Is 22-24
15 Is 25-27
16 Is 28-30
17 Is 31-33
18 Is 34-36
19 Is 37-39
20 Is 40-42
21 Is 43-45
22 Is 46-48
23 Is 49-51
24 Is 52-54
25 Is 55-57
26 Is 58-60
27 Is 61-63
28 Is 64-66
29 Mic 1-4
30 Mic 5-7
31 Nahum 1-3


1 1 Kings 20,21
2 Zeph 1-3
3 Hab 1-3
4 2 Kings 22-25
5 Obad; Jer 1-2
6 Jer 3-5
7 Jer 6-8
8 Jer 9-12
9 Jer 13-16
10 Jer 17-20
11 Jer 21-23
12 Jer 24-26
13 Jer 27-29
14 Jer 30-32
15 Jer 33-36
16 Jer 37-39
17 Jer 40-42
18 Jer 43-46
19 Jer 47-49
20 Jer 50-52
21 Lam 1-5
22 1 Chron 1-3
23 1 Chron 4-6
24 1 Chron 7-9
25 1 Chron 10-13
26 1 Chron 14-16
27 1 Chron 17-19
28 1 Chron 20-23
29 1 Chron 24-26
30 1 Chron 27-29
31 2 Chron 1-3


1 2 Chron 4-6
2 2 Chron 7-9
3 2 Chron 10-13
4 2 Chron 14-16
5 2 Chron 17-19
6 2 Chron 20-22
7 2 Chron 23-25
8 2 Chron 26-29
9 2 Chron 30-32
10 2 Chron 33-36
11 Ezek 1-3
12 Ezek 4-7
13 Ezek 8-11
14 Ezek 12-14
15 Ezek 15-18
16 Ezek 19-21
17 Ezek 22-24
18 Ezek 25-27
19 Ezek 28-30
20 Ezek 31-33
21 Ezek 34-36
22 Ezek 37-39
23 Ezek 40-42
24 Ezek 43-45
25 Ezek 46-48
26 Dan 1-3
27 Dan 4-6
28 Dan 7-9
29 Dan 10-12
30 Est 1-3


1 Est 4-7
2 Est 8-10
3 Ezra 1-4
4 Hag 1,2;
Zech 1,2
5 Zech 3-6
6 ZacZech 7-10
7 Zech 11-14
8 Ezra 5-7
9 Ezra 8-10
10 Neh 1-3
11 Neh 4-6
12 Neh 7-9
13 Neh 10-13
14 Mal 1-4
15 Mt 1-4
16 Mt 5-7
17 Mt 8-11
18 Mt 12-15
19 Mt 16-19
20 Mt 20-22
21 Mt 23-25
22 Mt 26-28
23 Mk 1-3
24 Mk 4-6
25 Mk 7-10
26 Mk 11-13
27 Mk 14-16
28 Lk 1-3
29 Lk 4-6
30 Lk 7-9
31 Lk 10-13


1 Lk 14-17
2 Lk 18-21
3 Lk 22-24
4 Jn 1-3
5 Jn 4-6
6 Jn 7-10
7 Jn 11-13
8 Jn 14-17
9 Jn 18-21
10 Acts 1,2
11 Acts 3-5
12 Acts 6-9
13 Acts 10-12
14 Acts 13,14
15 Jas 1,2
16 Jas 3-5
17 Gal 1-3
18 Gal 4-6
19 Acts 15-18:11
20 I Thess 1-5
21 II Thess 1-3
Acts 18:12 - 19:10
22 1 Cor 1-4
23 1 Cor 5-8
24 1 Cor 9-12
25 1 Cor 13-16
26 Acts 19:11-20:1;
2 2 Cor 1-3
27 2 Cor 4-6
28 2 Cor 7-9
29 2 Cor 10-13
30 Acts 20:2, Rom 1-4


1 Rom 5-8
2 Rom 9-11
3 Rom 12-16
4 Acts 20:3-22
5 Acts 23-25
6 Acts 26-28
7 Eph 1-3
8 Eph 4-6
9 Phil 1-4
10 Col 1-4
11 Heb 1-4
12 Heb 5-7
13 Acts 8-10
14 Acts 11-13
15 Philem 1 Pet 1,2
16 1 Pet 3-5
17 2 Pet 1-3
18 1 Tim 1-3
19 1 Tim 4-6
20 Tit 1-3
21 1 Tim 1-4
22 1 Jn 1,2
23 1 Jn 3-5
24 2 Jn; 3 Jn; Jude
25 Rev 1-3
26 Rev 4-6
27 Rev 7-9
28 Rev 10-12
29 Rev 13-15
30 Rev 16-18
31 Rev 19-22